Tigers Eye & Wooden Mala Beads

  • £12.00
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This specific item is made using brown wooden beads and ‘A Grade’ Tigers Eye gemstone marker and guru beads. A 21/33 pattern has been used on silk thread. We are able to customise Mala Beads specifically for you (please request via email or IG DM). You can pick and choose which gemstones and beads you’d like and which layout works best for you. All items are made with love and positive intention. They will also be saged before their journey to you!

How to use:

Simply paying attention to your breathing can be a form of mediation. It’s a handy one, too, since you can do it anywhere.

To use mala beads for controlling your breath:

  • Hold your mala with one hand.
  • Let it drape across your fingers so you can move it easily. Place two fingers around one of the beads next to the guru bead. Many people use their thumb and middle finger, as some religious traditions avoid using the index finger.
  • Complete one full breath (inhale and exhale).
  • Move your fingers to the next bead, breathing in and out once per bead.
  • Finish at the guru bead to complete 108 breaths.
  • If you want to do another round, just move your fingers in the opposite direction until you reach the guru bead again.

A mantra is a phrase, word, or sound you can use to help focus your awareness during meditation. “Om” is a common one, but there are countless others.

You can also create your own mantra that feels reassuring or calming. For example your mantra might be “I am calm,” “I am safe,” or “I am loved.” The mantra you repeat can also vary depending on your current situation.

To use mala beads with a mantra, follow the same process as you would for controlling your breath. But instead of exhaling and inhaling at each bead, repeat your mantra. You can whisper it, say it in a loud, clear voice, or stick to a mental repetition - whatever feels best.